The Point Of Happiness On Our Body: Neutralizes Negative Energy and Strengthens the Immune System

In our body there is an organ about which very little is known and it has all the right to be called “happiness point”. It is not necessary to look very long for it because that is the thymus gland. It is located in the upper part of the chest. It is very simply to … Read more

20 Sources Of Pain In The Body That Are Directly Linked To Each Specific Emotional States

Pain is one of the most common feeling in our body. Pain has three manifestations and they are energy, perception and physical manifestation. Each kind of pain may be related to a specific emotional state in our mind. This shows us that although we are grownups yet we need to learn many more life lessons … Read more

Your Body Has a Natural Built in Watch And You Don’t Know That: Learn Well This Timetable Of The Hours When Your Organs Regenerate

Your body has a built in clock! Every organ in your body has a timetable according to which it regenerates and maintains. If you feel some discomfort in some part of the day (you have a headache or your are inactive) it is because some of your organs regenerates due to some damages and the … Read more