Six Month Old Baby Left Brain Damaged After Receiving 8 Vaccine Doses

This is really shocking – a six-month old baby left brain damaged after receiving 8 vaccine doses. This woman from Texas is speaking out against the horrific injuries her six-month old daughter sustained after being given 8 vaccine doses during a routine visit to the doctor’s surgery. She said:


“I want my baby’s story heard so that others won’t make the same mistake I did. I wish I could go back in time and had never allowed her to get those shots.”

The six-month old baby, Cerenity, received the vaccines for DTap/Hib/IPV, hepatitis B, pneumococcal Prevnar 13, and the oral Rotavirus vaccine. After that, Cerenity suffered several major health problems which eventually led to her becoming permanently brain damaged. Before she received these vaccines, the six-month old baby was a perfectly healthy happy – with normal physical and cognitive development. And the most shocking thing is that shortly after receiving the eight vaccinations, her entire personality changed. Her mom noticed that she suddenly became unresponsive, both mentally and physically. She could not hold her head up right or move her arms, and appeared to display symptoms of a stroke. The child was rushed to the emergency room at Memorial Hermann Greater Heights Hospital in Houston, Texas. Cerenity received a CT scan and an MRI.

The doctors didn’t have any answers, sothey sent the little baby home and her parents’ home. They told them to take Cerenity to a pediatrician. Distraught and frightened, they reluctantly complied. Her mom said that she was so scared to even put her down. She said that they were sent home with her paralyzed – but, they just didn’t know it yet. She noticed that by the next morning, Cerenity was unable to sit and appeared paralyzed in several parts of her body, prompting her family to skip the pediatrician visit and rush straight to Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital in downtown Houston where the child was placed in the Intensive Care Unit.

But, the doctors at the Children’s Memorial Hermann Hospital called the Child Protective Services and accused the Garza family of shaking their baby. But, the doctors eventually backed down from the accusations and apologized before vindicating the family of any misconduct. The family was shocked when the doctors told them that their daughter may never walk or even crawl again. Just a month after meeting the six-month vaccine mark, Cerenity was in the ICU on a breathing machine.Mrs. Garza said:

“I couldn’t deal. It was awful. They had her in the ICU for 8 days and treated her with steroids. … She had bleeding in her brain, ended up paralyzed and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis spinal cord disease,”.

Do you know what’s transverse myelitis? Well, transverse myelitis is a neurological disorder caused by inflammation of the spinal cord and can be caused by some vaccinations (including chickenpox and rabies), according to the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. The six-month old baby survived but continued suffering from chronic injuries and pain. Cerenity had trouble walking, numbness in her feet, headaches and constant back pain. Her mother says she would have episodes where she appeared “stuck for 30 to 45 minutes.”

So, the family visited many different medical experts and medical facilities in Laredo, San Antonio and Houston. A few months ago, Cerenity was diagnosed with Chiari malformation, a disorder causing brain tissue to extend into the spinal canal. Well, the bad thing is that the cause of Chiari malformation is poorly understood, but experts theorize that it’s a result of structural defects in the brain and spinal cord. You should also know that it can occur later in life due to spinal injury, “exposure to harmful substances, or infection,”.

Her mom was happy that they have a diagnosis, but they faced another challenge: a constant and aggressive push for more vaccines. Despite Cerenity’s unstable condition, several doctors pressured the family to complete the child’s vaccine schedule, but the family resisted. Cerenity’s father asked the doctors:

“Who will be responsible if our daughter gets sicker? I don’t want to lose my baby.”

But, the doctor refused to answer, and simply said that it’s their policy. But, they didn’t have no choice and gave in when Cerenity’s access to care was threatened. The doctor promised to ease their concerns by giving the child two to three vaccines at a time. Cerenity’s health worsened after the second round of immunizations. But, after 5 months the family found out that the doctor lied to them and against their knowledge injected Cerenity again with a 5-in-1 combo vaccine, DTaP-Hep B-IPV, and a Hib vaccine. Mrs. Garza said:

“I had no idea they gave her 6 vaccine doses until recently. I was angry and shocked! I felt bullied and didn’t know my rights,”.

But, the family didn’t give up and after some time, they’ve filed and won a vaccine exemption for their daughter, who is now three years old. Well, the good thing is that Cerenity can walk. but still – she has other health complications including chronic headaches, irritability, severely damaged vision, speech impediments, difficulty communicating and behavioral problems. Her mom says that Cerenity wake up with pain and she cries every morning. She also said that they were forced to place Cerenity back into diapers because of bowel movement problems. She said:

“I want my baby’s story heard so that others won’t make the same mistake I did. I wish I could go back in time and had never allowed her to get those shots. I feel as I took her chance of a normal life.”

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share this article with your friends and family. Thank You.


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