Say Goodbye To Pain In Your Joints, Legs And Spine With This Proven Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie
|A lot of people suffer from pain in their back, knees, legs and ankles, especially older people. These types of joint pain experience people who spend their whole day sitting or they live inactive lifestyle. According to the statistics, about 1/3 of adults have reported that they have experienced joint pain within the past 30 days. There are many different health conditions that can lead to painful joints, just like: osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, bursitis, gout, strains, sprains, and other injuries.
Well, the medical experts claim that the back pain will heal in time. They say that approximately 50% of the patients with back pain will feel relief from low back pain within 2 weeks. And almost 90% of people will feel relief from back pain in 3 months, regardless of the back pain treatment. But, it doesn’t matter, people who experience back pain may find it extremely difficult to live their everyday lives. They find it hard to sit and lie down. It’s even hard for them to stand.
Leg pain – well, when it comes to leg pain, it usually results from wear and tear, overuse, injuries in joints or bones. Or it’s because your injuries in your muscles, ligaments, tendons and other soft tissues. You should also know that some types of leg pain can be related with problems in your lower spine. Poor circulation can be also a reason for leg pain.
In this article we are going to show you the best and most effective smoothie, which will help you treat and cure your painful joints and relieve your back pain. This smoothie is very simple and easy to make, and it’s made by easy available ingredients. Here’s what you need to do.
The Best Anti-Inflammatory Smoothie for Treating Painful Joints – RECIPE:
- One orange
- Two cups of pineapple
- Two celery stalks
- Two pears
- One lemon
- One inch of fresh ginger root
- Two inches of raw turmeric root
- a dash of black pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil
Here’s what you need to do – first, you need to peel the lemon, the orange, the ginger and the turmeric root. Then, you should chop the pineapple and the pears. Now, put all the ingredients into a blender and blend until you get nice and homogenous mixture. Serve and enjoy your smoothie. If you can drink it all at once, then you need to put this smoothie in glass jar and keep it in the refrigerator.
Note: make sure you use a blender for this smoothie, because it leaves the fiber untouched. If you use a juicer, the fiber will be wasted. A recent study has found that people who eat foods high in fiber have lower C-reactive protein (CRP) levels in their blood. The CRP is actually an inflammation marker, which has been related to health conditions, such as: rheumatoid arthritis (RA), heart disease and diabetes.
About the ingredients:
- Pineapple
The most effective and active compound found in pineapple is Bromelain. This compound so extremely effective in relieving joint pain and it’s also very useful in reducing inflammation, associated with arthritis. A recent study has confirmed that enzymes like bromelain have pain-relieving and anti-inflammatory effects comparable to Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.
- Orange
As we said before, muscle cramps are a common cause of leg pain. The muscle cramps usually occur because of the muscle’s overuse or low potassium or calcium levels in your body. A recent study has confirmed that consuming the right amount of Vitamin C in your body will help you to prevent the inflammatory arthritis and to maintain healthy joints with osteoarthritis.
- Celery
This super healthy vegetable is loaded with Vitamin K. The medical experts claim that insufficient levels of this vitamin can results in abnormal cartilage and bone mineralization. You should also know that low plasma levels of Vitamin K can increase the prevalence of osteoarthritis manifestations in your hands and your knees.
- Pear
As we said before, the Vitamin C is extremely important and powerful anti-inflammatory tool. So, the Vitamin C found in pear will reduce the risk of inflammatory arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis as well.
- Lemon
We can easily say that lemon is one of the healthiest fruits on the planet. It contains high amounts of Vitamin C and Vitamin E – which are both powerful and essential antioxidants. These two vitamins protect our cells from free radicals and help us to build and maintain collagen and connective tissue.
- Ginger
Gingerol – is the most active and most effective ginger ingredient. Gingerol has the ability to fight prostaglandins – the lipid compounds which usually trigger the joint pain.
- Turmeric
According to a study, published in The Journal of Alternative Complementary Medicine, in 2009, the medical experts have found that the active compound in turmeric can relieve pain and improve the knee function in knee osteoarthritis, equally to ibuprofen. Another study, published in 2006, has found that a curcuminoid – containing turmeric extract can inhibit joint inflammation and periarticular joint destruction.
So, if you are suffering from any type of joint pain, then you should definitely try this homemade smoothie. It will soothe the pain and you can function normally. You don’t have to drink those painkillers ever again. Try this smoothie and you will be amazed by the results. Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share with your friends and family.