The Price Of Progress: If You See These White Lines On Chicken Meat, You Should Think Twice About Eating It!
|The human civilization is eating meat now more than ever, and as chicken is an excellent source of protein, it is one of the most popular choices of meat. Seeing this, we shouldn’t be surprised that poultry manufacturers are flooding the market with chicken meat. However, it comes with a price – according to a new campaign launched by the “Compassion in World Farming” organization, the white lines we often see on a piece of chicken meat is an indication that the chicken were suffering from muscle disorders, which says a lot for the conditions they’ve been raised in. Although not a life-threatening problem, it is definitely a moral issue.
The appearance of white lines on chicken meat reduces the quality of meat and raises the fat content by up to 224%. As we all know, consuming fatty foods is the main source of heart disease. The muscle disorder affects all chicks that have been overfed in order to grow bigger and faster. Usually, it takes about 47 days for some chicks to reach 3 kg. in weight! 50 years ago, the chicken needed about 70 days to reach the same weight, which shows that they’re being forced to grow rapidly. This causes muscle disorders and the appearance of the white lines. So, the next time you see them on a piece of chicken, don’t eat it.