Plantar Fasciitis or Heel Spur- How to Get Rid of Heel Pain
|Two months ago my mother-in-law had an intolerable heel pain known as “Plantar Fasciitis”.
It is a bulge on the heel bone mostly positioned downward and this is considered to be a reactive creation of bones due to chronic mechanical overload which inflames during walking and then causes ache. Plantar Fasciitis occurs especially in older people and people who have to stand a lot. It is actually a pain in the middle of the heel.
First symptoms appear with the first steps after sleep, or long sitting, and they appear on the heel area. The pain can be that strong so people complain of a feeling as if you have nails in your heel.
According to me, traditional healing methods are much more effective than any other remedy bought in a drug store. We have tried several methods which have proven to be effective. I recommend you some of them.
The simplest way is hitting the heel onto the floor slowly few times a day, which will improve circulation and calcium metabolism and will prevent salt piling.
In cases of severe pain, potato compress may also help. First, you should wash the potato then ground it together with its peel. Put this mixture on cheesecloth and apply it on the heel. Wrap a nylon bag and then put some socks. Change these compresses daily. This treatment should last 7-8 days.
Honey and salt compresses are also used. Mix honey and salt in the same proportion (1:1) and put a thick layer on the painful spot. Then put a piece of gauze, and plaster and wrap it with a nylon bag. Put on socks and sleep with them.
I used to put these kinds of compresses on my mother-in law every night. After the third treatment, the pain was reduced and after the fifth treatment, I have finally seen a smile on my mother-in-law’s face. After the tenth day, the pain has disappeared.
I am going to recommend you another recipe against heel pain, which was used by my neighbor and according to her, it is very effective.
-A healing tincture with aspirin
Ground 10 aspirin pills (200 mg) and mix them with 250 ml of Alcohol (or medicinal alcohol from 70 percent) and leave it like that for 1 to 2 days.
Mix this tincture every night and soak a small piece of cheesecloth inside it.
Put this compress on the heel, wrap it with a nylon bag and put some socks. Leave it through the night. In the morning, wash it and then put some oily foot cream. After 10 treatments the skin on your feet and heels will be renewed. You can also clean your feet with a pumice stone or foot brush and then apply foot cream. If there are bunions or blisters on your feet, this procedure will also be effective.
My neighbor is 57 years old but her feet are like she is 20.
She says that with this tincture you can also treat painful spots such as varicose veins. After rubbing this tincture, the pain immediately disappears. It can also be used in the treatment of osteochondrosis where salt piling appears.
Original article source: with permission