Before A Heart Attack, Your Body Will Alert You – Here Are The Warning Signs!
|Do not ignore these signs! Unfortunately, millions of people suffer from heart problems and a heart attack is a common cause of death. The number of heart attacks has increased dramatically, mainly due to modern lifestyle, stress, inflammation and unhealthy diet.
It is therefore very important to learn to recognize the symptoms in order to prevent further complications. Finding a way to cope with stress and live a healthy life is the first thing you can do to avoid a heart attack. In addition, if you recognize the warning signs that our body sends – you can save your life!
Shortness of breath. Dyspnoea is a signal that your body can send before a heart attack due to a reduction in blood flow and narrowed arteries. Namely, the lungs do not get the blood needed to work properly. Since the lungs and hearts function together, if the function of one of them is difficult, it will affect the other organ.
Weakness. If the arteries narrow down, they reduce the blood flow and worsen blood circulation. This will lead to weakened muscles and general weakness of the body. You should be careful if you experience this symptom because it is one of the most common and early signs of a heart attack. Chest pressure. As the heart attack approaches, pain and chest pressure will worsen and spread over the hands, back and shoulders.
Dizziness and cold sweat. Blood flow to the brain decreases with poor circulation, causing dizziness and cold sweat. Since the brain will not function properly, you will feel bad.
Fatigue. Reducing the flow of blood to the heart will also lead to fatigue as the heart will not have the right amount of blood to function properly. Therefore, if you feel tired all the time, you should check your condition with your doctor.
These symptoms may indicate serious health and heart problems, so you should never overlook them. If you make important changes to your lifestyle, you can avoid this threat and save a life.
Thanks Brother