Many people today are faced with financial difficulties, although they work hard, try hard, but constantly are missing money. Sounds familiar? Maybe the whole thing is in the
The term “Chinese chickens” now has a completely new meaning. Why? Well, because the U.S Department of Agriculture recently permitted four chicken processing plants in China to import
This 50-year old man claims that the combo of cannabis oil and chemotherapy cured his incurable lung cancer. Now this man wants to share this cancer fighting recipe
According to the latest investigation into Samsung Smart TV’s has discovered that the user voice commands are recorded, stored and transmitted to a third party. So, this is
One of the deadliest and most dangerous diseases nowadays is cancer, and the main reason for that is that they still didn’t found any cure for this terrible
This is possibly the most breathtakingly sweet thing you’ll see all day. In an incredibly romantic gesture, an elderly Japanese man planted a sea of flowers for his
This super healthy fruit is a total hit nowadays. It’s used for treating cancer: lung cancer caused by asbestos, colon cancer, breast cancer and prostate cancer. We
By heating this super healthy vegetable, you increase its nutritional value by almost 40%. So, if you want to enjoy its health benefits to the max, then you