20 Signs Your Body Is Too Acidic and 10 Ways To Quickly Alkalize It

Acidity is a serious problem which can affect every organ in your body. The lungs, brain, heart, liver, kidneys and stomach can all be hurt by high acid levels in the body.

When entering a state of acidosis, the body becomes the perfect breeding ground for different diseases. This is why it’s important to maintain an alkaline balance that will reduce inflammation and prevent any kind of disease. However, keeping our bodies alkaline is becoming challenging as the usual western diet is highly acidic. When the body suffers from chronic acidity, essential minerals are removed from the organs and bones to neutralize the acid. However, this also leaves the bones without precious minerals and is the main factor behind diseases such as osteoporosis. Once the mineral reserves are depleted, the body continues becoming acidic, which may lead to cancer.

Grains, dairy products, meat and coffee are all acidic ingredients. Alcohol, highly processed foods, refined sugar, GMO oils are also acidic, and the metabolism of these foods causes acidic waste products. These products must then be neutralized, which can be done with the help of alkaline foods.

Here are the 20 main signs that your body is acidic:

  • Osteoporosis;
  • Skin problems such as eczema, rashes, acne and dermatitis;
  • Fatigue;
  • Chest pain;
  • Chronic cough;
  • Excess mucus in your lungs;
  • Weight gain and obesity;
  • Diabetes;
  • Allergies;
  • Candida and yeast infections;
  • Joint and muscle pain;
  • Sciatica and stiff neck;
  • Tooth cavities and sensitive gums;
  • Immune deficiency;
  • Bladder and kidney infections;
  • Reduced mental clarity;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Neurological conditions (Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s);
  • Sinus problems;
  • Digestive problems (constipation, diarrhea, bloating).

Why doesn’t the body adjust its own pH levels?

The body does regulate the pH levels on its own, but at a price. All the tissues and fluids of the body are alkaline except for the stomach. When the body is acidic, tissues take alkaline-forming minerals from other body parts and create a hostile environment for bacteria. As you can see, the body can regulate the pH levels, but at a high price.

How to alkalize your body

Alkalizing your body can be done by changing your diet and lifestyle. Here are some great tips:

  1. Drink plenty of water

Drinking spring water works best – it will clean your body of toxins and prevent numerous diseases.

  1. Avoid acidic foods

Avoiding acidic foods is difficult, but you can at least reduce their consumption to a few times a week. Avoid sodas, popcorn, white vinegar, dairy products, pastry, alcohol, coffee, refined sugar, eggs, etc.

  1. Eat more leafy green veggies

These vegetables are highly alkalizing and will easily regulate your pH levels.

  1. Control your emotions

Your emotional state certainly affects your pH levels. Anger, fear and resentment promote acidity, so try overcoming them with yoga and meditation.

  1. Avoid GMO foods

These foods are highly acidic and very dangerous for your health. Always find organic products if possible.

  1. Increase your intake of alkaline foods

Eat raw fruits and vegetable to neutralize the acid in your body and prevent numerous health problems.

  1. Drink lemon water

Drinking a glass of warm lemon water in the morning will regulate your pH levels and give you a jolt of energy for the day.


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