This Mixture Helps Models Have Flat And Attractive Abs! (RECIPE)

If you want your abs to be sexy and your body free of fat deposits, we have just the thing you need. The MyHealthyFoodTips portal has recently revealed an incredible natural salad that will do wonders for your stomach from the inside and out. The amazing mixture will clean your body of fat deposits and waste, which will improve your digestion and relieve bloating and other digestive problems, effectively reducing your belly size in just 3 days! Here’s how to prepare it:


  • Cabbage
  • Carrots
  • Beets
  • Lemon juice
  • Olive oil


Grate the cabbage, beets and carrots in a 3:1:1 ratio, then add some spices such as parsley. Now, mix the grated vegetables well and drain the mixture, then pour some lemon juice over them. Add some olive oil in the end and your vitamin salad is ready! Make sure you don’t use salt or other additives in the salad, and eat it at least 3 hours before going to bed for 3 straight days.

The salad will provide immediate results – your belly will be significantly reduced and the salad will also provide your body with all the essential nutrients it requires. Besides this, the healthy salad will improve your digestion, boost your energy levels and resolve all digestive problems you might be having trouble with.

If you like it, you can continue eating the salad after 3 days, but you should take a break after a week. This incredible salad has been a closely kept secret of many models, but now it’s available for everyone. Start consuming it today and your abs will look sexier before you know it!

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