The Smell Of The Rain Reduces Stress And 7 Other Benefits Of Walking In The Rain

Numerous people enjoy the sound of the pouring rain, many find it romantic and soothing, and others find its smell pleasant for the nerves. Walking in the rain can be a healing experience, as it calms the mind, and releases the suppressed thoughts and emotions.

The scent of the rain has a special name, Petrichor, so named by two Australian scientists in the 1960s.

The fragrance is a combination of chemicals released by soil-dwelling bacteria, oils released from plants during dry spells and ozone created when lightning splits oxygen and nitrogen molecules that then turn into nitric oxide.

The rainy days are ideal if you are a bit stressed, feel blue, or just need some time to relax and enjoy the present moment.

However, despite lowering your stress levels, walking in the rain offers the following 7 benefits as well:

  1. The smell of the rain refreshes the mind
  2. The high humidity keeps the skin and hair moisturized, and being alkaline in nature, rain is great for the skin and scalp
  3. Japanese researchers found that physical activities done in a cold, rainy weather burn more calories and fats than when done on a good day
  4. While raining, droplets absorb dust and microbes, so the air is purified and cleaner
  5. Walking in the rain makes one feel rebellious, so feel free to do it when you feel like you need to break a rule
  6. A walk in the rain helps people see problems from another perspective
  7. As fewer people go out in the rain, these walks give us a better sense of space, so our thoughts and emotions can roam free, and run wild.

Therefore, do not be afraid to go out the next time it rains, and it will give you a new lease of life!


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