The Amazing Powers Of Baby Powder!


One package of baby powder won’t make a difference in your budget. But you will be amazed to discover what it can do. Here are 15 things this powder will put in order!

It cools the sheets

Sprinkle some baby powder on your sheets in the hot summer nights. They will smell nice, and the powder will absorb the sweat from your body, which will allow you to get a better night’s sleep.

It cleans the pets
You can use baby powder as a dry shampoo for your pet, it will make them smell nice and be refreshed, without bathing.

It absorbs oil

Next time when you drop something oily on your shirt or carpet, sprinkle the affected spot with baby powder. It absorbs oil and refreshes the fabric.

It refreshes books

Give your old books a new look by using baby powder. It will absorb the moisture and prevent the formation of mold.


It will make your eyelashes stand out

Put some baby powder on your eyelashes before applying mascara.  Your eyelashes will look fuller and thicker.

Prevents skin irritation

Apply baby powder on the inner sides of your thighs to prevent skin irritation caused by rubbing.

Removes smell from shoes

Sprinkle some baby powder on the inside of your shoes and leave it overnight. Wipe it out the next day and your shoes will smell like new.

“Fixes” squeaky floors

Do you have a parquet floor that creaks? Sprinkle some baby powder on the floor, then use a broom to fill the gaps between the slats.

It repels ants
Sprinkle the powder in front of a door or a window. The ants will certainly bypass your home.

Reduces waxing pain

Powder your feet before waxing. This will create an additional layer that will protect you from a potentially overheated wax.


 It Replaces Pressed Powder

Instead of applying an expensive compact powder as a finishing coat of makeup on your face, you can apply just a small amount of baby powder and you will look great.

It will refresh you

Instead of using underarm deodorants, apply baby powder. It will absorb the sweat and keep you smelling fresh.

It can refresh your pet’s bed
Sprinkle some baby powder on your pet’s bed and it will smell fresh in no time.

It will help your hair

Do you have unruly hair? Mix the same amounts of baby powder and baking powder. This mixture acts as a dry shampoo, and your hair will be grateful.

Refresh your living areas

If you don’t like the smell of baby powder, add a few drops of your favorite essential oil in it. Spread it around your apartment and it will smell great.

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