Women experience different symptoms before a heart attack than men due to the difference in heart rate. These symptoms are usually ignored and mistaken for something else, but you should learn how to recognize them in order to prevent a fatal heart attack.

Heart attack symptoms in women

According to a new study, women are more prone to heart attacks, which is quite an interesting discovery. The results showed that women worry more and are at an increased risk of a heart attack, which is why you need to learn how to recognize the symptoms of this deadly condition and keep your heart health in check. Here’s how:

Chest pressure

Chest pressure and pain are usually the first sign of an impending heart attack. Many people consider this symptom nothing serious, and they forget about it once it passes. However, chest pressure is a serious problem which needs to be checked by a doctor. Heart attack patients have reported chest pressure and pain as well as arm tingling as some of the first symptoms before the attack, so make sure to visit your doctor if you experience it.

Pain in the neck, back and jaw

This is another serious symptom of a heart attack. If you’re experiencing pain in the shoulders, neck, back, arms and jaw, generally in the upper part of the body, you need to visit a doctor immediately in order to rule out anything serious.

Fatigue and shortness of breath

Fatigue is a result of increased physical activity, but if you’re suddenly feeling tired for no apparent reason, it may be a sign of an impending heart attack. If you can’t catch your breath as well, you should visit a doctor immediately. Both symptoms occur in men while they are physically active, but can affect women even while they’re at rest. This is why it’s important to recognize the symptoms early in order to prevent a fatal outcome.

Fainting can also be a sign of heart problems, so don’t mistake it for something else.

Upset stomach

An upset stomach can be caused by numerous problems such as gastric reflux and too much acids in the body, but the symptom might also indicate heart attack. Don’t ignore it if it goes on for a prolonged period as it can be the reason between life and death.

In conclusion, if you experience any of the symptoms mentioned above, you should always check them out at a doctor in order to determine the cause.

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