Coping with losing weight around the stomach area can be difficult and boring, but this type of fat can be lost while you sleep. We share the following 10 bedtime drinks that will help you lose the fat around the stomach.


  1. Cucumber juice

Cucumbers are vegetables full of fiber, minerals, vitamins and antioxidants that are powerful in the fight against weight. They are also low in calories.

Blend fresh cucumbers and add water as you desire, the drink this juice every night. In order to make this drink full of taste, add lemon juice and ginger. If you drink this drink every night you will lose fat around your stomach. An enough daily intake of cucumbers will eliminate the sugar levels in the blood and will provide hydration.

  1. Juice of lemon and cucumber

Drinking water with lemon is very beneficial if you want to lose stomach fat. According to a study that was published Journal of Ayurveda and Integrative Medicine, people lost their fatness and improved their lipid profile thanks to the lemon juice drink they consumed four times daily. To make this bedtime drink more effective and tasteful, mix the fruit with 2 cucumbers, a glass of water and an orange. You are free to add a mint or honey.

  1. Cucumber & drink of Cilantro

This type of drink will also help you in eliminating toxins and overweight in your body. Blend a cup of cilantro ( fresh parsley can be also used) with lemon, and half glass of water. Add a grated ginger and a bit of Aloe Vera juice. Wait 10 minutes and drink it.

  1. Ginger tea

Ginger has medicinal properties but it’s also powerful in the fight against obesity. Your body will absorb better the nutrients if you drink ginger tea before you go to bed. The ginger tea helps the digestion of the food and reduces stomach discomfort. Add a squeezed lemon or add a tablespoon of honey if you want this drink to be more tasteful. You can make and consume this tea in summer times adding an ice in it.

  1. Pineapple juice

Pineapple is a great antioxidant which is rich with fiber but low in calories. The drink made from pineapple will help you in losing your weight. Foods and drinks that are full with fiber don’t add fat and make you fill full, shows the Joslin Diabetic Center.

  1. Strawberry with herbs and lemons

A study in Journal of Medicinal Food shows that strawberries and other berries protect the body from getting cancer, and they protect the heart too. Strawberries are also powerful in the fight against fat. Components of strawberries can also block the hormones which start inflammation, raise the blood sugar, and stops the lost of weight.

Take a cup and mix a lime or lemon and add several slices of peels. Cut the strawberries and add herbs ( mint or tarragon) in the mixture then add hot water. Remove the lime or the lemon’s peels and put the mix to a jar. Add cold water as well as ice, then add honey. Drink it and enjoy the taste.

  1. Dandelion tea

This tea calms your stomach bloating, heartburn, as well as other forms of stomach upset. If you drink a cup of dandelion tea before you go to bed, you will feel lighter, because this tea helps your body in removing water.

  1. Green tea

According to a study published in Nutrients, you can obtain better sleep quality if you drink green tea before you go to bed. This is especially effective among people who are middle-aged. You body can be more relaxed thanks to the low level of caffeine that is found in the green tea. If you sleep well, your metabolism will work better and you won’t gain weight. This is not all, green tea is also known to be great antioxidant, so it prevents weight gaining and helps you lose weight around the stomach area.

  1. Apple cider vinegar juice

This drink has very powerful benefits, and has antibacterial and antibiotic properties. This drink can help you to fight with stomach problems, intestinal spasms and diarrhea caused by bacteria. Take a glass of water and mix from one to two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. You are free to combine this juice with slices of fresh apple or with lemon juice.

  1. Grapefruit and cinnamon juice

Grapefruit is very nutritive fruit and helps that the metabolism works well. Take half a glass of grapefruit, and later add this extract to a mix of syrup. In order to make this syrup, mix cinnamon sticks, glass of water and sugar. Put this mix in a pan and boils for 7 minutes before you add cold water and grapefruit in a pitcher. Add a mint if you want.


It won’t take you long to prepare these healthy drinks. Remember that you are free to add different healthy ingredients. The regular consumption of these drinks will provide you fast and effective results. Don’t forget that in order to lose your stomach fat, it’s also important to be willing in losing weight and to be positive.


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