Japanese Elixir For Healthy Bones And For Healthy Energy Boost!


Do you have joint pain or any problems with your bones? Well, if yes – then this might be the perfect recipe for you! This is an ancient Japanese samurai recipe for healthy bones! The best thing about this ancient Japanese recipe is that our organism extracts all the healthy nutrients and vitamins from it – vitamins, proteins and calcium. Here’s how to make this ancient Japanese recipe for healthy and natural energy boost and for healthy bones.

You will need the following ingredients:

  • 150 ml of apple cider vinegar
  • 1 medium sized egg


First, you need to wash the egg very good. Then, put the egg in a cup with apple cider vinegar, and let it sit for 7 days. Note: make sure you use homemade apple cider vinegar. In one week, the egg’s peel should be dissolved in apple cider vinegar. So, there should be only a membrane that keeps the egg white and the yolk together. Tear this membrane and put back the egg in the cup with apple cider vinegar. Now, stir well.

How to use it:

To get the best results possible, you need to consume 10 ml of this healthy remedy, every day, at least 3 times. This amount of the remedy (10ml) should be dissolved in a cup of warm water. Drink it before all major meals. You will feel the positive effects in just 1 week.

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