FOR SMOKERS AND EX SMOKERS -This Juice of Three Plants Will Clean Your Lungs
|If you are a smoker or ex smoker your lungs are likely full with toxins from cigarettes. To clean the lungs you will not need a miracle, but the miraculous healing properties of the beverage made from three plants: ginger, onion and turmeric.
Ginger was used since ancient times because of its healing properties. Among other things, it helps to eliminate the excess mucus of the lungs.
Onion and garlic has anti-cancer properties, a great ally in numerous malignant conditions. It is especially effective in the prevention of various diseases of the respiratory system.
“To purify the lungs do not need a miracle, but the miraculous healing properties of the beverage made of three plants: ginger, onion and turmeric”
Turmeric or Indian saffron is full with vitamins and minerals, and contains a super-healthy omega 3 fatty acids. It has antiviral, antibacterial and anticancer properties, so be sure to enrich the daily diet with this spice.
* 400 grams of onion
* 1 liter of water
* 400 grams of sugar (if you want a healthier version, use honey or maple syrup)
* 2 tablespoons turmeric
* Thumb-sized ginger root
1. Pour the sugar in the water, put on the fire and let it boil.
2. Slice the onion into quarters and the ginger root and add both to the water. When the mixture boils again, add turmeric, and lower the heat.
3. Let the mixture boil until the amount of water is reduced by half. Then strain and pour into a glass jar. When completely cooled, put it in the fridge, and keep it there all the time.
4. Take two tablespoons of elixir in the morning on an empty stomach, and two hours after the evening meal.