Copaiba Oil: How To Use It To Treat Chronic Pain, Psoriasis, Eczema, Acne, Anxiety, And Depression, Without Drugs

Did you know that there is one specific essential oil that is similar to cannabis and it is legal? Beta-caryophyllene is the substance that makes cannabis oil therapeutic, and its levels in cannabidiol (CBD oil) is 35 percent. However, Copaiba essential oil has 55 percent of beta-caryophyllene!

This makes Copaiba essential oil one of the strongest natural compounds to deal with numerous health problems.

Copaiba oil is a unique blend of four separate species. It is derived from the resin of the Copaiba tree which commonly grows in tropical South America. Copaiba essential oil is widely used in cosmetic products including soaps, creams, perfumes, and lotions. Copaiba essential oil has been used in traditional health practices by the natives of north and northeastern Brazil since the 16th century.

Did you know that Copaiba essential oil is probably the highest anti-inflammatory substance known? Even, it has greater therapeutic action than Ibuprofen or even cortisone, but with NO ADVERSE EFFECTS?

Copaiba essential oil benefit

Copaiba oil comes with a broad spectrum of other supportive properties including cellular support, nervous system support, emotional balancing, cardiovascular support, immune support, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, digestive health, decreased neuronal excitability, and respiratory system support.

Copaiba essential oil can help relieve anxious feelings has neuroprotective properties and can be applied to the skin to promote a smooth and clear complexion. Its natural antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties make copaiba essential oil another option for the natural treatment of acne. According to studies, when 1,0 percent of copaiba oil preparation is applied to areas affected by acne, it significantly decreases the surface affected with acne.

The most common component in copaiba essential oil is the cannabinoid beta-caryophyllene. As a matter of fact, copaiba oil contains about 55 percent beta-caryophyllene. Caryophyllene may have cardiovascular, immune, and neuroprotective benefits. Also, it is a powerful antioxidant that boosts immune health. There are numerous research papers showing the anti-inflammatory benefits of copaiba essential oil.

When taken orally, copaiba essential oil may be able to help with natural pain relief since it has been scientifically proven to exhibit antinociceptive properties, which means it can help to hinder the detection of a painful stimulus by the sensory neurons. This makes copaiba oil effective in the treatment of numerous health issues that involve ongoing pain management such as arthritis.

Besides acting as a painkiller, copaiba oil can help decrease liver damage that is caused by acetaminophen such as Tylenol. One study investigated the effects of copaiba essential oil on liver damage in experimental animals, that was caused by acetaminophen. Results from this study showed that copaiba essential oil decreased liver damage caused by acetaminophen like Tylenol.

How to use Copaiba essential oil

Inhalation: Diffuse your copaiba essential oil or inhale it directly to help your emotional well-being and decrease feelings of stress and anxiety.

Topical: Add a few drops of copaiba oil to a cotton ball and apply it to the skin to deal with eczema, psoriasis, acne, or just to help your skin obtain a more healthy and beautiful appearance.

Ingestion: Copaiba essential oil is among the oils that many people consider safe to ingest. It is suggested that you add a few drops to an empty capsule rather than swallowing it directly. But, make sure to purchase the purest therapeutic grade essential oil.

Physical uses:

  • Apply topically for healthy-looking skin
  • For cellular support, take a drop or two in a vegetable capsule
  • Use topically or internally for cardiovascular health
  • Diffuse (use aromatically) to soothe and calm emotions
  • Use aromatically, topically, or internally, topically for immune support
  • For a healthy inflammatory response, apply topically with some coconut oil
  • Use topically for a reduction of neuronal excitation
  • As a powerful antioxidant, use in a vegetable capsule
  • For digestive support, use in a vegetable capsule or topically

Emotional uses

  • Use when you feel regretful, guilty, unworthy, shameful, or rebellious.
  • Use to bring forth suppressed emotions.
  • Diffuse to promote feelings of worthiness, forgiveness, clarity, and new beginnings.

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