Pineapple, Cinnamon And Oats Smoothie For Strengthening the Tendons and Ligaments on Your Knees

The knees are one of the most important joints in the body. They provide the right posture of the body, enable us to walk, jump, stand. As time goes by, they suffer many injuries, wounds and hits and become damaged and loose. Their tendons and ligaments become less flexible and natural lubrication is lost. However, … Read more

Japanese Doctor Explained How to Stop Cancer: Just Half an Hour From Your Time and You Will be Protected in The Next Two Months

Scientists from Japan have found that a tradition called Shinri-ioku still remains strong, and why this is so, the reasons are of biochemical nature. Everyone enjoyed the beauty of nature walking down the woods for at least once in theirs’ life. This is why some people choose to live in the woods or next to … Read more

10 Foods Made in China That Are Filled With Plastic, Pesticides and Cancer Causing Chemicals

China is well known for its great cuisine and specific taste as well as numerous products we use daily. Chinese restaurants are spread all around the globe and slowly it is creating a cult of the Chinese culture. However, lately there are some rumors about lack of standards in Chinese products and people slowly start … Read more

10 Easy Exercises That Burn More Fat Than Running

Running is often recommended from top nutritionists, doctors and fitness trainers because it puts into work the entire body and actives every muscle. Another reason to choose an exercise rather than running, is that running could injured your knees. Running is high-impact exercise, due to the persistent strain that you put on the feet,knees, and … Read more

28 Of The Most Powerful Quotes Of All Time

We have selected for you this 28 words of wisdom that are truly some of the most powerful and wisest quotes ever written. Here they are… 1. “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” … Read more