200 farmers are silent during the auction so that a man can buy back his beloved family farm
They say that when you dream about something intensely, your thoughts will inevitably become reality. However, in order to fulfill a wish, you must always work hard. The story I’m about to tell you today took place in Nebraska, USA. David, the young man, came from a farming family. They adored their land, farm, and animals, and they put their heart and soul into their work. The young man, who was about 20 years old, genuinely appreciated his forefathers’ efforts.
He felt at ease on the farm, glad that the house and land had been theirs for many years. But a huge blow awaited him and his father one day. Due to bureaucratic delays in the will, their land, which covered slightly more than 32 hectares, and the house on it passed to a distant relative. He was uninterested in working on the ground.
And everything David and his father had worked so hard to build over the years was gone in the blink of an eye. They had to go to the city. However, David frequently visited the farm’s vicinity. He noticed that everything was gradually deteriorating.
The guy occasionally talked to local farmers and shared his dream of one day purchasing the land on which his relatives lived and returning to farming. The young man was saving money with his father, hoping for the best. And such a day has arrived.
A few years after they lost the land, it suddenly appeared at auction. Father and son collected all the funds they could. Unfortunately, there were not as many of them as we would like. But they decided to hold on to the end anyway. The auction was held right on the site. When the father and son arrived at the place, their mood deteriorated catastrophically.
David counted about 200 farmers who drove up from the surrounding area. My heart sank into my heels from despair. Many of these owners were very wealthy and clearly could outbid their price. And still David joined the fight – he announced his bid and waited. The auctioneer also froze, trying to hear what amount the next potential buyer would name. But all the farmers who applied to participate in the auction were silent.
The leading bidder tried to “warm up” them with advertising of convenient and fertile lands, but everything was to no avail. In order to stall for more time, the auctioneer took a break for the participants to think about specific bids. But everything was to no avail. Realizing that it was impossible to pull any more, the man knocked with a wooden hammer and called the final and only sale price. He was stunned.
David and his father did not believe their happiness either. It turned out that 200 farmers were silent during the auction so that the men could buy their beloved family farm. All the farmers knew about the story of David and his father and believed that they had lost their land unjustly.
Each of them loved his land, was devoted to it, and the story of a father and son who were thrown out of their homes made a serious impression. The farmers took the time to come and support David’s dream of returning his family’s farm with their silence.
Some journalists question this story because they have not seen documentary evidence. But I want to believe that everything was exactly like that. That’s all friends. Share this amazing story about the cohesion of people who are engaged in one thing.
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