Pediatricians Association Admits HPV Vaccine Causes Ovarian Failure

This type of vaccine is heavily pushed to both teen boys and girls. Some countries, including Japan, haven’t formally stated that they don’t want to support this type of vaccine. But still, the United States continues to massively push this vaccine despite all the push back world-wide. This HPV vaccine is just a money grab by all pharmaceutical companies and it’s blatant and unchecked. And the things are getting much worse now, because the American College of Pediatricians (ACP) has announced that the HPV vaccine is possibly associated with ovarian cancer.


The American College of Pediatricians – ACP has recently discovered that one recommended vaccines could possibly be associated with the very rare but serious condition of premature ovarian failure (POF), also known as premature menopause. Some other experts and rest of the press is on the other side – claiming that the studies aren’t proof positive. But the real problem is that if the American College of Pediatricians is admitting just this small amount, then you can imagine how large the actual problem likely is?

All pharmaceutical companies are always in a mode of protection when it comes to this vaccine, it creates a lot of revenue, so for them to admit this is a really big deal. They don’t want any negative publications regarding Gardasil. And the worst thing is that they’ve already coerced and influenced this organization into not putting out negative claims over this HPV vaccine. Well, this actually means that this new discovery is huge and creates potential liability for them. It is so big that they actually fear not disclosing it. But in this same way, it isn’t exactly front page news – until now.Now we are all going to push this news everywhere, around the world. Well, the thing is that these organizations rely on information being swept under the rug. But remember, it is right here in plain English. The HPV vaccine has the potential to harm your children.

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