Mom Accepts Strangers Friend Request On Facebook. The Consequences Will CHILL YOU TO THE BONE.

This is extremely important and all parents must read this information. This shocking message about the dangers of Facebook has gone viral and you can see why. Just read the article below and you will find out.

Let me ask you a simple question – what would you do if you just logged in on your Facebook account and a random guy has sent you a friend request?But, you don’t know him, you just look at his profile picture, you see that he is kind of cute – and you click the accept button, right?

So, what really happens – it’s your baby girls first day of school, you are so happy, because she looks so cute in her uniform that you have to take a picture of her and post it to Facebook to share with your “close friends” and family.You’re so excited that you even “Check in” to her school on Facebook saying – I’m really happy, it’s her first day at school. Time sure flies. One proud momma/daddy right here.

But, in the same time – that random “cute” guy you accepted earlier in the week has already saved that picture and sent it to 60 other grown men across the world with the caption:

“American Female; Age 5; Blonde Hair; Green Eyes.”

Mom Accepts Strangers Friend

This is really shocking – you should be more careful, because not only did you provide a picture of cute little girl to a child trafficker, you’ve handed him her name and the exact location of her school. So, when you go back to school to pick her up, she’s nowhere to be found.You have no idea where she is.

Your cute little daughter is probably sold to a 43-year-old pedophile before you even stepped off campus this morning, and now she’s on her way to Mexico with a bag on her head, confused, terrified, and crying because a man she’s never seen before picked her up from school. She has no idea where her parents are, where she’s going, or what’s going to happen to her.

This is why you should stop adding strangers on Facebook and stop posting everything about your life on Facebook. And the most important thing – you should avoid keeping children’s pictures as profile pictures.

Thanks for reading and don’t forget to share.



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